When I Was Four

The girl has been sharing a lot of memories with me this week.  Like the time she went to the zoo with her dad.  And the time she taught grandma how to roll up her window in the car when she (grandma) was trying to start her lighter (I know!).  Or the time they went to the Dells with her dad and they stayed in a condom (condominium).  And then there was the time we went to a hotel and swam in the pool. I can’t leave out the time I took her trick or treating and a lady gave her a stuffed animal because she liked her costume the best!  There have been more but they escape me right now. The interesting thing about this is that she was different ages and we lived in different places but to her,they all happened when she was four.  Each time she shares something from when she was four, I just smile.  It doesn’t matter how old she thinks she was, she has some very good memories and isn’t that what every parent hopes for?

A sweet friend from work told me to enjoy my day off on Friday as there wasn’t school for us.  I smiled and assured her I’d do my best in spite of having to contact Social Security, a lawyer, MN Sure and attend a meeting with the kids county case manager.  I lucked out on SSI, I didn’t have to contact them after all.  Not so good, but it eased the load, the attorney never called me.  That’s on the docket for this week!  I got my answers from Mn Sure and some questions answered from the county while other questions were raised.

As far as the boy goes, things are still a total mess.  The good news is, he’s back to work.  It’s not at his “good” job but at least he’s doing something outside of the home, on occasion.  I’m thinking he’s willing to work when it’s something he likes to do, like making Christmas wreaths.  Many, many reports have been made on his behalf to Adult Protection Services.  Apparently, the small county dealing with these reports is way understaffed so nothing is progressing.  The good news?  The boy  keeps waffling back and forth now on wanting to move!  I’m still staying out of it but I’m so happy to hear that he still wants to, deep inside, when he’s not being influenced by the staff where he is living.  He continues to go deeper into debt with his rent and we can’t figure out why they still want him living there.  They are benefiting in some fashion.  We just can’t identity how.

I have been told it’s going to take awhile to find a home for the girl.  There is such a shortage in Minnesota that some clients are moving to North Dakota!  No, it’s not an option for us but it sure adds a lot of stress to life.  She is happy she will be living here through the holidays and I am too, although she is bored.  The county is going to contact the girls employer and get on them about getting the transportation for her life they are supposed to.

I had a really neat experience that happened to me a couple of weeks ago that I’d like to share.  We were at the neighbors enjoying a fire with them when I decided to send a text to a friend I’d been concerned about.  I simply said, “Are you OK?”  About an hour later, I got the following text back “Maybe :)” I went on to say a couple of personal things and to offer a little encouragement. Several minutes passed again when I got a reply that said “Who is this?” I replied with “It’s Jill.”  They came back telling me that they didn’t know me, but I sounded like a really sweet, caring person.  “She” went on to say that she was sitting there feeling alone and unloved and that my message made her feel loved and like it was a message right from GOD.  I can’t describe the feelings that came over me!  We chatted a little bit more and I assured her she is loved and to never doubt that.  She thanked me.  I thanked her.  A complete stranger and I shared a very surreal and important moment in time.  Proof that a mistake can be a good thing.  We never know how “HE” will use us.  I needed the reminder as much as she did because I was feeling that I had really let someone down.  Now I know I just needed to help a sweet soul that needed and wanted it.

In the midst of chaos, there is often good.  We just have to open up our hearts and minds to see it.

Shine On!



Author: jillymaddy

I'm a 50's something single mom of two special needs kids that I adore to the moon and back. This is my story of our highs and lows.

2 thoughts on “When I Was Four”

  1. Thankfully you can still find good in all the mess you are dealing with. Loved your story about the text messages. I hope my niece shares more stories with you about when she was 4!



  2. I love your stories about when she was 4! You could ask her what she remembers when she was 8 or 10! Your texting story is priceless! Can you imagine all the seradipidous ways God blesses people’s lives everyday? Just think…You were a blessing from Jesus Christ!


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